Lesson 20 Setting Our Goals

Lesson 20 Setting Our Goals

In this lesson we are going to start putting some of the pieces together from earlier lessons. In lessons 6-8 we looked at your personal and global missions and in the last two lessons we addressed where you are spending your time. Now that you have figured out the activities that are important to you, (your “A” list items from lesson 18) let’s look at how many of those activities are directly related to what you wrote down as your individual and global missions.

Go back over lesson 7 – what did you down for your dream job? How many of the activities on your “A” list are directly or indirectly affecting the mission you have created for yourself? Sometimes we can see the correlation immediately and other time we may be wondering how the activities or work that we are currently doing have anything to do with our mission directly. Know that no matter which it is, all is in Divine Order.

To help us stay on track with our mission, it can be helpful to set some goals. Again, using the information from these earlier lessons, go through the goal setting exercise listed below.

It is also very important to remember to HAVE FUN! We are on the planet to give and receive love and that comes to and through us in so many ways – especially when we are having fun. You know that you are starting to get “on track” or “in the flow” when your mission or work in the world starts feeling more fun. Find little things to enjoy and smile about. Know that while your mission is important, having fun with it is also essential.

Goal Setting Exercise:

  1. In a notebook, dedicated to your personal growth, write out all of your desires, no matter how large or small.
  2. Choose the 12 most important desires and write them on the sheet below in order of importance to you. Be very specific.
  3. Determine the date by which you desire to achieve each goal. Write it in.
  4. Be open and receptive to chance. Pray daily, “God what must I change about myself in order to achieve each goal?”
  5. Read your goals at least three times every morning and evening. Get excited about them.
  6. Imagine yourself achieving each goal. Script it.
  7. Accept your success now. Act as if the goals have been achieved.
  8. Take positive action – in faith – towards your goals. Write down a couple of small actions you can take now. BELIEVE you will receive and your goals will be achieved.
  9. Don’t tell others. Keep your goals private – between you and God. (The exception is if you have a prayer or mastermind partner that can dream big with you).
  10. Cross off the goals as they are achieved and continue to add new ones.
  11. Remember to have FUN!
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